Saturday, June 4, 2011


Im a big fan of panda...I want them to live in peace ..
I think bamboo trees shall be for panda because they can only eat bamboo, and china is running out of bamboo by cutting alot...
Panda are adapted to cold places like mountains ...Alaska will be a perfect place for panda but then You have to have bamboo trees soo panda could live..Bamboo is pandas favorite food and i think its only food for panda...Panda are adorable but due to climate change in china , its making panda disappear I dont want panda to disappear, but a panda tends to live where bamboo tree can grows , it shouldn't be too warm or too cold... They live near the mountain.. I think that panda are worth living and they dont deserve to starve cuzz they dont have enough bamboo tree.....Bamboo is their food :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Save the animals

Have you ever seen someone beat their animals up then you can be a saver by saving that animals life from being misused into better life.  You can save pets from the shelter by giving them a home if you are not allegic to them.  There are animals without fur if you are allegic to the fur. 

Have you ever seen a lost pet wandering around your home, you can save them and check out  their collars in their neck who they belong to. Some owners who love their pets so much that they can  lose their pets during a walk and it will be helpful if you can help them find their pets . Otherwise those pets can end up in bad places if they dont find their loving owner . Save other animals from being slaughtered cruelty like cats and dogs in  Asia. We dont want animals to suffer or get slaughtered cruelty. 

Report injured animals to the animals shelter to take care of them . You can adopt animals from the animal shelter or  if you see a lost animal that have run without any collar of  who their owner is . You can keep that animal if you love it by calling the zoo if its a animal that look like , have come from the zoo but you gotta prove that you have a big place and can take care of that animal to the zoo management.

If you love animals soo much, you shall consider  yourself to be vegetarian to save the animals. By being a vegatarian will make you not eat meat that comes from the animals instead you will eat healthy foods like salad, yougurt, milk that comes from cow because cow produces milk and it doesnt harm cows by producing milk because its natural for them and egg from the hens because its natural produced.  There are alot of things that you can eat as a vegetarian.

Dont you agree that animals need to be saved?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Electricity tips

  1. Always turn off the light when  you go away from the room.
  2. Dont have tv on if no one is watching.
  3. Have earth hour - meaning  you are not using any electricity  for  really long time - can use candles to write your thoughts or read a book if its night and you are having earth hour
  4. Turn of the computer or internet if no one is using
  5. Use Solar power that you get energy of the sun - much better
This  was  one of the  ways  about how  you can save  the energy 

Monday, February 28, 2011


We dont want people to use Electricity too much. What can happened if  people overused electricity ?

Hydropower is the energy source from water that is used in electricity.

There are Hydroelectric dams that produce significant amounts of carbon dioxide and methane, and in some cases produce more of these greenhouse gases than power plants running on fossil fuels according to

We have to stop using too much energy because this will harm our environment and climate change.  We shall use solar power that come from the sun and  reduce the level of  the energy uses from other sources. I think they shall reduce amounts of carbon dioxide,methane , fossil fuels  we can have a little carbon dioxide but not soo much that it is harming our environment.  If people overused electricity, then the fishes will die of fossil fuels and no fresh water to plant trees , fruits etc so thats why we need to reduce electricity.... 

Friday, February 25, 2011


Heyhey, i gonna talk about how awesome it is to recycle things and what kind of uses they get for the enviroment.

Recycling cans instead of trowing away is really great. With recycling the cans , we save the uses of  aluminium and plastic.  We shall start to recycle pappers or make a system for it  instead of trowing away because this will make us cut less trees. For some animals who lives in the trees , loses their homes when the trees are chopped down. We dont want animal to loses their home or harm the forest of trees.

We shall recycle things that can be recycle because this will save our energy for making  things of plastic, aluminium , papper.

By recycling things, it will make our eniviroment  be a better place meaning that we will reduce the amount of  energy  by  recycling plastic , aluminium , papper instead of making new plastic, aluminium, papper to use when you can use recycling plastic, aluminium or papper in the things.